Research & Development

Networked development: Firmware, electronics and mechanics.

Our 40-strong development team is characterized by an immensely high level of expertise in the areas of firmware, electronics and mechanical development. The three divisions are well networked right from the start. The result: Excellent device development that is more than the sum of its individual parts. Our team is constantly working on new technologies and takes part in research projects. 

From the word go we keep an eye on series production. Feasibility studies and analyses are our daily practice: Depending on the quantities, we select the right technologies and components and keep an eye on the price-performance structure. Our development team is perfectly coordinated with production and purchasing. 

We keep our promise

4 weeks to the 1st prototype

In-house prototype production

Agile way of working

Everything under one roof, development of firmware, electronics, mechanics, project management

Comprehensive know-how: From technical expertise to project management

Johannes Auer

CEO, Digital Elektronik

Every customer receives a first prototype from us after 4 weeks. This is made possible by our in-house prototype production. We keep our promise and deal intensively with the requirements and ideas of our customers from the very first conversation.  


Product requirements can be established at different levels of maturity at the beginning of a development process. If design ideas or requirements are very clear, development can start directly. If the requirements are unclear, Digital Elektronik offers the possibility to work together with Phormolog starting from the user needs analysis to the final design. This includes the product design as well as the UI design.


Firmware development


Electronics development

Entwicklung Digital Elektronik

Mechanics development

Digital Elektronik Mechanic development

Project management

Each project is supervised by a project manager. The project manager is the central contact person for the customer and summarizes the results from the technical experts. Their tasks include checking the system design as well as checking all customer requirements, controlling, scheduling and communication. 

Bild zeigt Projektmanagement

Test & Certification

Digital Elektronik offers a comprehensive development-accompanying test and certification process. Here, product characteristics are tested and EMC tests are performed. Depending on customer requirements, CE, UL or even special certifications can be performed for different countries.

LED Technik Test

We look forward to your enquiry

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Digital Elektronik Team